2024年5月23日17:00,重庆大学管理科学与房地产学院、建设经济与管理中心将邀请美国密歇根大学建筑与城市规划学院 Lan Deng 教授分享城市可持续规划与人居相关内容。本次会议将在学院楼503会议室举办,欢迎各位师生踊跃参与。
Lan Deng
Professor of Urban and Regional Planning University of Michigan
Editor of HousingStudies
Professor with tenure University of Michigan,LanDeng's research and teaching interests fall broadly in the areas of housing, real estate and local public finance. She has been studying housing and real estate development in both the U.S. and China. As a panning scholar, she is interested in examining the different types of interventions the two countries have developed to ensure adequate housing and suitable living environments for their residents.